Gillies St Main Campus & Farm/Senior Campus: - Phone (03) 5334 1302


vintage gallery main

Vintage Soul is a newly established retro Op-Shop operating at our FARM Campus. It is situated alongside the Bakery Café, and entry is via the café.

Vintage Soul’s theme is centred on retro 70s aesthetic apparel but also has many additional items such as household goods, CDs, vinyl records and clothing as well as many other accessories. Over the course of the week whilst also serving members of the public, a number of students also study their Certificate II Retail to complement the fantastic work they’re doing at Vintage Soul. This qualification will allow them to explore future retail endeavours when they leave school. 

As a school we accept donated goods from the community through our warehouse situated at the FARM Campus. Through this warehouse students and staff sort through what is appropriate to make its way to Vintage Soul to be put on display for sale. Vintage Soul is a cashless only shop and accepts EFTPOS for all purchases.



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